Product recommendations

The list of products below are what we use to make our Parkinson’s journey easier.  We have purchased and tested many, many, many products but these are the ones that are still in use – some many times per day.  Please reach out to us if you have any questions or need any additional advice!

Parkinsons Caretaker Pill Holders

Pill Holders

We use these simple cases for the larger doses in the morning and night (one case for each).

Parkinsons Caretaker Smart Plug

Smart Plugs

These smart plugs are a game changer for turning on and off lights and lamps.  

Parkinsons Caretaker Water Bottle with hose

Water bottle for bed

Since it’s hard for my MWP to sit up in bed, this is perfect to let her easily get some water during the night.  

Parkinsons Caretaker Water Bottle

Daily Water Bottle

We have two of these going every day.  One with water and the other with ginger ale.  The measurements make it easy to track.  

Parkinsons Caretaker Headed Blanket with auto shut off

Heated Blanket

This blanket has 4 settings to find just the right temp.  It also auto shuts off after so many hours to keep you safe.  

Parkinsons Caretaker Weighted Silverware

Weighted silverware

We have a few sets of these.  They make eating much easier and more comfortable for my MWP.

Parkinsons Caretaker Daily Walker

Daily Inside Walker

This is the walker we keep inside.  It gets tons of use and is her favorite color – red.  

Parkinsons Caretaker Walker

Walker - outdoor / heavy duty

We purchased this walker for outside walks and when we need something stronger.  

Parkinsons Caretaker Walker Wheelchair combo

Wheelchair Walker Combo

This walker doubles as a wheelchair if my MWP is getting too tired to keep walking.  Just fold out the feet and you are good to go.  

Pill Dispenser

We rely on this daily.  It has an annoying alarm that will not allow you to forget your next dose!

Cup Holder for Walker

We have a couple of these.  Being hydrated is half the battle so we take our drinks everywhere!

Travel Cane

We had a few of these (at her home and at my home).  They are easy to fold up and are stable.

Everyday Cane

We used these at home and before needed something more sturdy.  Great quality.  

Phone Stand

We have a couple of these in the house.  It’s an easy way to facetime or just keep the phone close by.  

Wireless Phone Charger

We have one of these at the bed stand for over night charging and another in the kitchen in case we need some extra juice.  

Rolling Table / Stand

We use three of these.  One by the bed to hold her phone, charger, meds, etc.  Another by her TV room chair and a third by the couch.  

Bidet - Heated with dryer

I highly recommend a good bidet.  Urinary tract infections cause a lot of issues with Parkinson’s patients and this helps tremendously.  

Hand Exerciser

We noticed these help a ton.  The different colors are levels of stiffness.  They are easy to use and can do it while watching TV.  

Memory Game

Just like the games we played at 3 years old.  These memory games are great to keep the mind fresh and keep working that brain muscle.

Label Maker

Life is easier when it’s organized.  We label as much as we can to help our caretakers and remember where things go.  

Tool Kit

It got old having to grab tools every time I went to my mom’s to fix something.  We bought this to keep there and has everything we need.  

Bed Safety Rail

This is perfect to help keep her safe in bed and also as a handle to maneuever in and out of bed.  

Mattress Bad

We use this to make sure no spills or accidents get through to the mattress. 

Neck Pillow

We tried various neck pillows for her bed and this one was the clear winner.  

Large Digital Clock

We have two of these in the house.  One next to the TV and one in her bedroom.  It makes it MUCH easier to read than her phone or watch.

Mattress Risers

The bed was too low so we use these to make it easier to get in and out of.  

Motion Senser Night Lights

We use these in the hallways and rooms.  Provides just enough light to see.  

Amazon Echo

We have these in every room of the house.  These are great for reminders, to call for help, music and much more.  

Wyse Security Camera

We have these throughout the house as well.  Since I don’t live with my MWP I use these to check on her.  I have timers for motion sensers to alert me as well.  

Book - Living with PD

This is a great resource for both your PWP and caregivers.